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The Australian Synchrotron , located in Clayton, Victoria, is a 3 GeV synchrotron light source used to produce a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation (Infrared to Hard Xrays) which possess a high level of spatial coherence, and is polarised linearly and circularly. This light source is utlised by multiple beamlines for various forms of diagnostics and analysis in the fields of Imaging and medical therapy, infrared spectroscopy, micro spectroscopy, protein crystallography, powder diffraction, small and wide angle scattering, soft X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy.


Synchrotron Energy Particle Type
Electron Gun 90 keV Electrons
Linear Accelerator 100 MeV Electrons
Booster Ring 3 GeV Electrons
Storage Ring 3 GeV Electrons




Electron Gun

Using thermionic emission, the cathode of the electron gun at the Australian synchrotron releases electrons which are placed in a 90 thousand volt electrostatic potential accelerating the electrons to a mean energy of 90keV, these subsequently are injected into the linear accelerator.

Linear Accelerator

The next component in which the electrons will pass through will be the linear acceleartor (LINAC). The LINAC located at the centre of the synchrotron uses multiple electromagnetically coupled cavities, operating at 3GHz, to accelerate the electrons received from the electron gun from the original 90keV to 100MeV with a beam divergence of 0.5%. The LINAC does this using an electromagnetic travelling wave with a phase velocity less than the speed of light (required due to special relativity) which bunches and accelerates the electrons.

Booster Ring

Subsequent to passing through the linear component of the synchrotron the electrons reach the booster ring which accelerates the electrons from 100MeV at the end of the LINAC to their ultimate energy of 3GeV. The Booster Ring's 130 metre circumference uses a simultaneously increasing fields in the guiding magnets and a 5-Cell radio-frequency cavity to accelerate the the electrons while having the radius of curvature remain constant.

Storage Ring

The storage ring is the final component of the accelerating process. With a 216 metre circumference the storage ring's purpose is not to accelerate the electrons with the intention of increasing their total kinetic energy rather accelerating them to produce the phenomenon of synchrotron radiation which occurs when charged particles are accelerated. This electromagnetic radiation is the source used at each of the beamlines and possess the qualities discussed above.