The Accelerator Science Group commissioned the 100 MeV linac, 100 MeV to 3 GeV booster synchrotron and the 3 GeV storage ring at the Australian synchrotron. The team consists of physicists who continue to research and develop the accelerator systems in a broad range of areas, from feedback systems to modelling future linear collider accelerators and from designing novel future light sources to precision particle physics measurements.
To achieve the goals of generating high-quality beams from the accelerators, the group engages with local Australian facilities and university researchers and students as well as international accelerator laboratories around the world. In order to facilitate and promote these activities, the group helped to launch the Australian Collaboration for Accelerator Science (ACAS), which is able to create opportunities for staff and students alike.
Please explore the links under accelerator science on the left menu or contact Mr Greg LeBlanc or Dr Mark Boland for more information.