Offsite Safety Training

We are pleased to announce the introduction of the offsite safety training feature on the AS User Portal.  Beamtime users will no longer be required to be onsite to undertake the facility safety training at the AS User Office.

All Users listed as attending beamtime on an Experiment Authorisation (EA) will be required to have valid facility safety training in order to submit the EA and gain access to the facility. 

Each User's facility safety training status will be visible to the Group Spokesperson when completing the EA Users page. 

Where training is required, the Group Spokesperson (or EA submitter) can notify the User by clicking on the "Email User" button, located on the Users page within the EA. This will generate an email advising the User of the need to complete the safety training in order to participate in the beamtime and provide instructions on how to do so using the offsite safety training feature on the AS Portal.

We strongly recommend trainees complete their offsite safety training as soon as possible, as the EA can only be submitted when all users have valid safety training for the period of beamtime.  Please allow 1-2 hours to complete.

Access Cards

Once safety training is complete, the trainee will need a valid access card prior to commencement of beamtime. 

To be issued with a new access card or have an expired card updated, please visit the User Office during the following times:

Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm


Beamline Induction

In addition to the facility safety induction, all Users are required to undertake a beamline specific induction, which provides safety information pertinent to the particular beamline on which you have been allocated time.  Your beamline induction takes place at the beamline and usually is given at the start of your allocated beamtime (not shift), unless you have been directed otherwise by your beamline scientist. Each beamline has it's own specific induction and duration may vary. 

For further information regarding the beamline induction please contact the Beamline Scientist.

Laboratory Induction

Access to specific laboratories will be authorised by the beamline scientist based on the information provided in your EA.  Each User will need to complete a laboratory induction prior to the use of each lab. Lab inductions are valid for a maximum of 12 months and can be tracked on your portal account under the Exams/Inductions section.

Weekday lab inductions take place at 9.30am in the Chemistry Lab (G.14) on the first day of beamtime with our Lab Coordinator, based on authorisations by the beamline scientist.  Where beamtime commences on a weekend, your beamline scientist will provide the lab induction. 

Imaging & Medical (IMBL) users, please contact your Beamline Scientist regarding laboratory access.


Please note, AS staff may ask you to complete additional inductions at their discretion.


All Users attending beamtime are required to read the AS code of ethics and diversity policy.

If you require any further information, please contact the user office at