With the end of 2011 rapidly approaching, it’s time to say thank you to the many thousands of people who have helped to make this such an amazing year for the Australian Synchrotron. 


I recently had the privilege of meeting some of these people at two important events: the West Australian synchrotron symposium, which attracted a lively bunch of expert and potential new users, and the Australian Synchrotron’s annual open day, which attracted 3000 enthusiastic visitors from across Melbourne who came prepared with questions about almost every aspect of our work.

I also want to thank the thousands of researchers who made a total of 3500 trips from around Australia, NZ and further afield this year to use our beamlines, the 700 high school physics students and teachers who conducted experiments in our education laboratory between August and October, the 120-plus synchrotron staff who continue to impress with their high professional standards and dedication to their work, and our government supporters, foundation investors, boards, committees, advisory bodies and many other groups and individuals too numerous to mention here without incurring the wrath of the newsletter editor. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement. 

My thanks also to the many people who have worked on the new buildings springing up around the main synchrotron building. The engineering building and the office extension pod are now fully operational. The imaging and medical beamline (IMBL) satellite building is complete and the transfer tunnel is being fitted out with the necessary equipment to extend the beam to its full 150 metre design length. The user accommodation building is being furnished and should be ready for occupation by April 2012, along with our new showpiece: the National Centre for Synchrotron Science.

To users who are reading this at the 2011 User Meeting, I can promise you a diverse program of thought-provoking presentations and plenty of opportunities for networking with synchrotron experts and potential new collaborators. To users who have been unable to attend the User Meeting, I can assure you that we will continue to extend and improve the information we provide on our website and in this newsletter as well as in many other ways. 

And on behalf of the management and staff of the Australian Synchrotron, I wish all our readers the compliments of the season and a promising and productive 2012.

Keith Nugent
Director, Australian Synchrotron